
Most people who struggle with their weight recognize that much of their excess eating and unhealthy food choices is a response to stress. This audio recording is designed to help you turn off stress reactions and replace them with relaxation. Imagery and self-hypnosis are powerful tools that help you self-soothe and master emotional eating.

It is highly recommended that you set aside a time, at least once or twice each day, to listen to the healing words and images on the recording. Regular listening is essential to reinforce the messages and skills that will help you conquer emotional eating.

This recording is not a substitute for working with a health professional. However, the program will enhance your success with any other weight-loss strategies and programs. Listening to it can produce significant, positive changes in the way you respond to stress, and reduce the probability that you will eat for emotional reasons.


I have struggled with over eating for many years. When I discovered the Overcoming Emotional eating audio recording by Carolyn Daitch and her colleague Cathy Herzog, I found that I was much more in charge of my emotional responses and I was able to lessen compulsive eating. In particular, I found Dr. Daitch’s soothing voice to move into a place of calm. I highly recommend this audio program.

In particular I found Dr.Daitch’s voice soothing leading to a seamless journey toward the calm necessary to get the most from this excellent audio presentation.

Mary Alice C.